Generations Health and Wellness is proud to offer Low-Level Laser Therapy. LLLT, also known as cold laser therapy or photobiomodulation (PBM) therapy, is a non-invasive, low-intensity light therapy that has been approved by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) to stimulate healing.

Effective treatment against chronic and acute injuries.

It is an effective treatment against chronic and acute injuries. Arthritis pain, tendonitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, fibromyalgia pain, as well as back, neck, and knee pain are just some of conditions that can be treated with this type of therapy.

Increases metabolic activity.

Low-level laser therapy stimulates higher outputs of specific pro-healing enzymes in blood cells, along with improved oxygen and nutrient delivery.

Helps Your Body Heal Itself Without Medication

One of the reasons LLLT is considered alternative medicine is that it has produced results without the use of medication. If you’re sensitive or allergic to harsh medications, LLLT is a wonderful alternative that is safe, natural, and effective. The low-level light stimulates your body’s own healing process without the risk of burning

Increases metabolic activity

Low-level laser therapy stimulates higher outputs of specific pro-healing enzymes in blood cells, along with improved oxygen and nutrient delivery.

Low-level laser therapy has a wide range of applications, including the following:

Low Level Laser Therapy Uses

Detoxification, fat loss, and weight management: When used as a complementary element of an integrative plan of care, low-level laser therapy may aid the body in eliminating excess fat that could be contributing to dysfunction or chronic illness.

Musculoskeletal injuries and pain: Sprains (muscles and ligaments), tendonitis, bursitis, tennis elbow, neck pain, lower back pain, knee pain, muscle spasms, joint swelling.

Inflammation: Inflamed gums, carpal tunnel syndrome, and inflammation caused by autoimmune conditions (such as rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia).
Skin rejuvenation: Acne, psoriasis, burns, vitiligo, dermatitis, rashes, edema (swelling).

Wound healing: For wounds that resist treatment, such as those related to diabetes.

Acupuncture: For patients who are uncomfortable with needles.