With early detection, appropriate chiropractic care has been shown to slow, stop, or even reverse the early stages of Subluxation Degeneration.

Normal Cervical Spine
Normal curves and proper disc spacing allow normal function of the spine and nervous system.
Regardless of age, when spinal damage goes uncorrected, the body deposits calcium on the surface of adjacent bones that are unable to move properly.
If neglected long enough, this splinting effect can result in complete fusion. This worsening process is called Subluxation Degeneration and can occur throughout the spine. Researchers recognize several phases of spinal decay:

Phase One Cervical Spine
Loss of normal curves and nervous system dysfunction result from uncorrected spinal trauma.

Phase Two Cervical Spine
Bone spurs and abnormal bony growths distort the shape and function of the vertebrae.

Phase Three Cervical Spine
After years of neglect, the improperly functioning spinal joints often fuse together.

“Normal” 75-Year-Old Cervical Spine
This 75-year old patient prevented Subluxation Degeneration with many years of regular chiropractic checkups.